Лексин И.В.

Журнал Сибирского федерального университета. Гуманитарные науки, Год журнала: 2021, Номер №5, С. 602 - 610

Опубликована Дек. 1, 2021

Статья посвящена двум взаимосвязанным проблемам: корреляции цифровизации с ключевыми правовыми явлениями, которыми оперирует юридическая теория, и степени отражения цифровизации фактических процессов в законодательных конструкциях. Автор проводит разбор содержания опубликованных по данной проблематике научных работ и положений российского избирательного и референдумного законодательства, сопряженных с цифровизационными процессами. Высказываются критические соображения в отношении чрезмерно широкого понимания цифровизации, свойственного отечественной юриспруденции, и подвергается сомнению применимость термина «цифровизация» к наиболее значимым правовым явлениям. Прежде всего следует признать, что само право поддается лишь оцифровыванию, но никак не цифровизации. Среди практических вызовов автор выделяет потребность в переосмыслении и переработке юридических конструкций привычных отношений с учетом цифровизационного контекста. …


Marchenko A.Y.,

Entin M.L.

Цифровое право, Год журнала: 2022, Номер №3, С. 43 - 57

Опубликована Сен. 30, 2022

Threats posed to human rights by the rapid development of artificial intelligence (AI) are considered, along with some potential legal mitigations. The active efforts of the EU in the field of AI regulation seem particularly relevant for research considering its approach centred on citizens’ rights. Thus, the present study aims to describe the key features of the EU approach to regulating AI in the context of human rights protection, as well as identifying both its achievements and deficiencies, and proposing improvements to existing provisions. The presented analysis of the proposed AI Act pays special attention to provisions that set out …


Cardoso O.V.

Цифровое право, Год журнала: 2022, Номер №3, С. 8 - 19

Опубликована Сен. 30, 2022

In a digitalised environment under conditions of reduced limits and boundaries between physical and virtual worlds, people’s daily activities increasingly migrate to cyberspace. For this reason, legal issues relating to encryption, deciphering and codebreaking become increasingly topical. Due to the increased vulnerability of a wide range of people to exploitation, digitalisation implies an urgent need to develop measures for preserving privacy in digital life. Increasing vulnerabilities experienced in the social environment due to the Internet and network interactions can be attributed to the erasure of boundaries between people, which is facilitated by access to their data. In terms of providing …


Maxim I. Inozemtsev

Цифровое право, Год журнала: 2022, Номер №1, С. 8 - 19

Опубликована Март 31, 2022

The development of new technologies and the subsequent digitalization of the economy significantly affect legal relations, forcing us to rethink the usual institutions and establishing new problems that have not arisen before. The legal system can change, adapt and meet new challenges in two basic and interrelated ways: regulatory (that is, the adoption of new regulatory legal acts) and in the course of judicial resolution of legal conflicts that have developed within a particular dispute. The article provides an overview of the most significant cases considered by Russian courts in the field of digital law in 2021. A selection of …


Marina A. Rozhkova,

Olga V. Isaeva

Цифровое право, Год журнала: 2022, Номер №2, С. 25 - 35

Опубликована Июнь 30, 0202

As well as streamlining academic research activities, contemporary technologies provide opportunities to infringe on the intellectual property of others through plagiarism. However, plagiarism has yet to be adequately dealt with in national legislations, which either do not contain any provision in this connection or fail to adequately define the relevant terms. Moreover, there continues to be much discussion as to what plagiarism is, as well as how and in what cases it should be punishable. The situation is further complicated by the various approaches to plagiarism and the lack of consensus on whether so-called “self-plagiarism” should be treated separately from …


Bo Qin,

Su Qi

Цифровое право, Год журнала: 2021, Номер №1, С. 29 - 47

Опубликована Март 30, 2021

This research article contributes to the field of digital governance as it reviews the conceptual definition and practical application of “smart cities” in the context of urban development in China. By analyzing both firsthand interview data and secondary statistical and policy reports during the period between 2009 to 2019, we contend that the emergence of smart cities in China has evolved from a disorderly process to a more standardized one. During this process, cities made efforts to use digital technology — such as 5G, cloud computing, and the Internet of Things — in social governance, infrastructure, and industrial development. However, …


Yan Xu,

Dun Liu

Цифровое право, Год журнала: 2021, Номер №1, С. 48 - 63

Опубликована Март 31, 2021

This paper discusses the status and implications of the employment relations and working conditions experienced by digital platform workers; the analysis is based on a survey conducted in 2017 on 1 338 workers engaged in work-on-demand via apps (WODVA) from 25 platforms in Beijing, of whom 48.8 % are full-time WODVA workers or take WODVA as their primary job. The survey finds that nearly a half of the respondents engage in platform work due to a lack of employment opportunities in formal labor markets or their permanent jobs providing insufficient income. The respondents reveal substantial decent work deficits in representation, …


Osipov Vladimir S.

Цифровое право, Год журнала: 2020, Номер №2, С. 28 - 40

Опубликована Июль 20, 2020

The subject of the research is the transformation of the state institution under the influence of the digital revolution. The choice of topic is determined by the transition of the state institution from bureaucratic to service and from service to digital. This transition entails significant changes in the methods of regulating public relations, the forms of state participation in the life of citizens, as well as the architecture of interaction between state, business and society in the new environment. The aim of the research is to create and justify a model of digital public administration, in which the necessary access …


Третьякова Е.П.

Цифровое право, Год журнала: 2020, Номер №2, С. 53 - 66

Опубликована Июль 20, 2020

Несмотря на то что телемедицина в последние 20 лет активно развивается во всем мире, законодательство зарубежных стран не выработало универсального механизма, позволяющего достичь таких главных целей телемедицины, как удобство, эффективность и доступность. Вызовы, с которыми столкнулся мир в 2020 году, показали потребность в совершенствовании системы здравоохранения государств, а телемедицинские технологии применялись рядом стран при организации борьбы с новой коронавирусной инфекцией. Такой опыт должен быть воспринят государствами как положительный и использоваться при подготовке законодательных изменений, направленных на совершенствование регулирования телемедицины. Совместная работа государств в сфере развития телемедицинских технологий позволит сформировать опыт и знания, которые возможно будет использовать при трансформации телемедицинской помощи …


Salikhov Damir R.

Цифровое право, Год журнала: 2020, Номер №2, С. 17 - 27

Опубликована Июль 20, 2020

“Regulatory sandboxes” are regarded as a special mechanism for setting up experimental regulation in the area of digital innovation (especially in financial technologies), creating a special regime for a limited number of participants and for a limited time. Russia has its own method of experimental regulation, which is not typical but may be helpful for other jurisdictions. There are three approaches to legal experiments (including digital innovations) in Russia. The first approach is accepting special regulation on different issues. There are recent examples of special laws (e.g. Federal Law on the experiment with artificial intelligence technologies in Moscow). An alternative …
