Фильтры: Язык: Английский × Общая психология, психология личности, история психологии × Социальная психология, политическая и экономическая психология × Тип статьи: Исследовательская статья ×

Roland Imhoff,

Pia Lamberty

Social Psychological and Personality Science, Год журнала: 2020, Номер 11(8), С. 1110 - 1118

Опубликована Янв. 1, 2020

During the coronavirus disease pandemic rising in 2020, governments and nongovernmental organizations across the globe have taken great efforts to curb the infection rate by promoting or legally prescribing behavior that can reduce the spread of the virus. At the same time, this pandemic has given rise to speculations and conspiracy theories. Conspiracy worldviews have been connected to refusal to trust science, the biomedical model of disease, and legal means of political engagement in previous research. In three studies from the United States (N = 220; N = 288) and the UK (N = 298), we went beyond this focus …


Sergei Yu. Korovkin,

Ilya Yu. Vladimirov,

Anna D. Savinova

Российский журнал когнитивной науки, Год журнала: 2014, Номер №4, С. 67 - 81

Опубликована Янв. 1, 2014

This paper describes the possible methodological techniques of evaluation of the problem solving process as the main task by a secondary probe task. We propose a method of estimation of the microdynamics of thought processes via changes in the dynamics of working memory load in problem solving by a probe monitor. The results of assessment of the dynamics of working memory load in insight and algorithmized problem solving via a two-alternative choice task are shown. There are significant differences between the dynamics of working memory load in insight and algorithmized problem solving in the last stages, which confirm the hypothesis …


Galina Gradinarova,

Petar Kanchev,

Armina Janyan

Российский журнал когнитивной науки, Год журнала: 2014, Номер № 1–2, С. 22 - 30

Создана Сен. 13, 2022

A great amount of evidence has now been accumulated indicating that many aspects of cognition, including language are closely interconnected with or “grounded” in the sensory-motor modalities. In this respect, an interesting line of research that has not yet been studied in great detail is whether activation of the sensory-motor brain areas can be found when figurative language is processed. Two experiments were conducted to address the following questions: firstly, can evidence of effector-specific motor activation be found in the processing of idioms; secondly, how would such activation unfold in time? We hypothesized that highly imageable idioms are more strongly …


Reichrath Benedict,

Pietrowsky Reinhard

International Journal of Psychology and Counselling, Год журнала: 2022, Номер Vol.14(2), С. 17 - 25

Опубликована Май 31, 2022

In this study, the usability and applicability of a mindfulness based online administered gamified short-term intervention for people suffering from internet gaming disorder is investigated in a subclinical sample (N = 49). Within a four-week intervention program (Room2Respawn) participants were randomly allocated to a gamified condition (experimental) or a neutral condition (control). Participants were provided with three intervention sessions per week consisting of psychoeducation on internet gaming disorder and mindfulness-exercises. Most of the intervention content has been adopted from a group-therapy intervention to an online platform. The 39 participants who participated over the course of the whole intervention rated the …


Olusegun Emmanuel Afolabi

International Journal of Psychology and Counselling, Год журнала: 2014, Номер Vol.6(8), С. 107 - 118

Опубликована Сен. 30, 2014

Though a large body of research has investigated the impacts of domestic violence on adult’s victims, only few studies has been devoted to the exposure of children’s to probable inter-spousal trauma that disrupts their neurological and biochemical pathways in development. The aim of this paper is to analyze the current empirical research that discusses the biological and psychological inference of domestic violence and risky family environment on children’s health. In realizing this objective, the paper used the ecological framework to explain the interaction effects of bio- psychological processes on emotional regulation and social competence skills of children living in a …


Abdullah Aktas,

Sefa Bulut

International Journal of Psychology and Counselling, Год журнала: 2021, Номер Vol. 13(4), С. 92 - 99

Опубликована Окт. 1, 2021

Various studies claim that war has devastating effects on the psychological well-being of its victims. Such conflicts destroy not only cities and their infrastructure but also the established systems; such as the schooling system. In the wake of such destruction, millions of children are displaced and find themselves apart from their homes and their schools. Their attempts at accommodating themselves with the host communities are not easy, given the immense trauma they experienced. The resulting psychological and social problems make it more difficult for these children to fit in. The disruption to their education is yet another factor that affects …
