Shmeleva E.A.,

Kislyakov P.A.,

Luneva L.F.

Psychology In Russia, Год журнала: 2015, Номер 8(1), С. 74 - 85

Опубликована Фев. 3, 2015

The negative sociocultural transformations that are taking place in modern society and the resulting psychological transformation of personality and mode of life strongly require searching for ways of providing social safety to the next generation, with teachers being the implementers of this process. Teachers’ professionalism is determined by their willingness to solve personal and socially relevant problems, including the willingness to provide social security for other people, to thwart social risks, and to build constructive interpersonal relationships. The aim of our research was to reveal and to analyze the psychological factors affecting the readiness of teachers to ensure social security …


Bayanova L.F.,

Tsivilskaya E.A.,

Bayramyan R.M.,

Chulyukin K.S.

Psychology In Russia, Год журнала: 2016, Номер 9(4), С. 94 - 105

Опубликована Дек. 1, 2016

The study presented in this article relies on the principles of the cultural-historical theory, which defines cultural impact as the main driving force behind psychological development. Based on the assumption that culture is a set of normative situations, the study identifies rules that are typical for primary school students in big Russian cities. These rules are grouped into what we refer to as factors of cultural compliance, which ultimately can be seen as indicators of pupils’ cultural congruence. In specifying the cultural congruence of primary school students, we take into account not only the rules of school life but also …


Lovakov A.V.,

Schaufeli W.B.,

Agadullina E.R.

Psychology In Russia, Год журнала: 2017, Номер 10(1), С. 145 - 162

Опубликована Янв. 1, 2017

This article aims to analyze the psychometric properties of the Russian version of the Utrecht Work Engagement Scale (UWES-9) by using a sample of 1783 employees of a large Russian organization. We conducted a series of Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) tests of the factorial structure and the configural, metric, scalar, factor variance, factor covariance, and factor means invariances of the model across gender and age groups. The validity of the Russian version of the UWES-9 was investigated by study- ing its relationship with burnout, job satisfaction, life satisfaction, and turnover inten- tion. The CFA showed that both the 1-factor and …


Bolotova A.K.,

Hachaturova M.R.

Psychology In Russia, Год журнала: 2013, Номер 6(3), С. 120 - 131

Опубликована Фев. 18, 2013

This article describes research on the role of time perspective in a person’s choice of coping strategies in interpersonal conflicts. The interrelationship between different types of coping strategies (cognitive, emotional, and behavioral) and the orientation of time perspective are considered. P. G. Zimbardo’s technique, which defines the orientation of time perspective, and E. Heim’s technique, which is directed at exploring coping strategies, are used in our research. The sample consisted of 295 participants: 156 women and 139 men, with an average age of 32 years. The research shows that a future orientation is directly connected with the choice of cognitive …


Kashapov M.M.,

Serafimovich I.V.,

Poshekhonova Y.V.

Psychology In Russia, Год журнала: 2017, Номер 10(1), С. 80 - 94

Опубликована Янв. 1, 2017

This article describes the functions of metacognition and the role of these functions in professional pedagogical thinking (PPT): the discovery of the emergence of a problemacy, the organization of cognition processes, and the management of the comprehension and resolution of the problem situation. Thinking is related to the metacognitive activity of a subject. Components and strategies of metacognition are included in the PPT process and define (by means of conscious or unconscious regulation) the efficiency of discovering and solving problems in an interpersonal interaction situation that must be comprehended and transformed. One of the conditions providing for realization of the …


Grishina N.V.

Psychology In Russia, Год журнала: 2015, Номер 8(1), С. 157 - 160

Опубликована Янв. 1, 2015

Considering today’s abundance of psychology books, from reprints of timeless classic works through scholarly editions to popular literature, it is hard to expect a new book to become a big event in psychology. However, a book entitled The Phenomenon of Envy is hard to overlook: as observed by the author, very few people are unaffected by envy. Besides, the name of the author, Aleksander I. Dontsov, former head of the Faculty of Psychology at Moscow State University and of the Russian Psychological Society, is well known among Russian scholars.


Singer E.

Psychology In Russia, Год журнала: 2015, Номер 8(1), С. 27 - 35

Опубликована Июнь 8, 2015

Play and playfulness are basic features in early childhood education. The elements of play are pleasure, a sense of freedom, and the co-construction of shared meaning through the use of rules or rhythms. Play and learning are closely related in early childhood. But when the focus on the educational benefits of play becomes too strong, the most essential feature of play is lost: children’s pleasure. Young children in group settings often have to adapt to the teachers’ demands related to security, hygiene, and social norms and values. But the playfulness of the teachers helps to overcome differences in power in …


Bordovskaia N.V.,

Baeva I.A.

Psychology In Russia, Год журнала: 2015, Номер 8(1), С. 86 - 99

Опубликована Март 13, 2015

The interest of psychologists in the study of safety in the educational environment and its psychological characteristics is increasing. The aim of this study was to select, substantiate, and disclose the psychological factors in the educational environment that influence the psychological well-being of pupils. There were three stages in our research: clarifying the level of psychological safety in the schools in the study; revealing the consistency of the teachers’ and the students’ evaluations of the level of psychological safety in those schools; determining the nature of the influence of the psychological safety of the educational environment on the psychological well-being …


Lohmander M.K.,

Samuelsson I.P.

Psychology In Russia, Год журнала: 2015, Номер 8(2), С. 18 - 26

Опубликована Май 14, 2015

Learning through play is a common phrase in early childhood education worldwide. Play is often put forward as the overarching principle for working with young children (Johnson, Christie, & Wardle, 2005). However, if we go beyond the rhetorical level and explore how “learning through play” and a “play-based curriculum” are understood and transformed into practice, we may find differences both within and between countries (Karlsson Lohmander & Pramling Samuelsson, 2014a, 2014b; Pramling Samuelsson & Fleer, 2009). In this article we discuss the relationship between the concepts of play and learning and describe how they are enacted in everyday practice in …


Malykh S. B.,

Zinchenko Yu. P.,

Tikhomirova T.N.,

Verbitskaya L.A.

Psychology In Russia, Год журнала: 2015, Номер 8(3), С. 91 - 100

Опубликована Окт. 29, 2015

This study examines the role of cognitive characteristics in the success in learning Russian, assessed through teachers’ grades and test scores on standardized state exams. This paper examines the relationship between cognitive characteristics, such as nonverbal intelligence, working memory and speed of information processing, and the results of the Unified State Exam for 11th grade students, the Basic State Exam for 9th grade students and the traditional assessment of Russian language learning. This study involved students in the 9th and 11th grades from four educational institutions in the Moscow and St. Petersburg regions; 427 students were studying in the 9th …
