Legal Issues in the Digital Age
Больше информации...Опубликована Дек. 14, 2022
The paper is focused at the correlation of state regulation and deregulation in the communication industry. The regulation of major sectors such as the communication industry should be up to the challenges of today. In the current context of building a new digital economy and reducing administrative barriers, a special importance is attached to how state regulation and deregulation correlate in the communication industry. The paper provides an analysis of regulation in the industry to identify the sectors may be excluded from state regulation or may benefit from self-regulation or deregulation. It purports to identify (based on analytical findings) the …
Опубликована Дек. 14, 2022
The right to informational self-determination, as the authority of the individual to decide fundamentally for herself, when and within what limits personal data may be disclosed, was formulated by German jurisprudence and has become a model for many States as well as for European Law in general. It is seen as a necessary tool for maintaining a vibrant democracy, on the basis that privacy is an “integral part” of society. The basis for the judicial decision was the Kantian theory of the moral autonomy of the individual. This explains the close connection of judicial reasoning with human rights and their …
Опубликована Дек. 15, 2022
In the prefatory article, the author analyzes the general legal aspects of e-government. As a complex phenomenon, e-government has to be studied on the basis of multi-disciplinary approach including technical, sociological and legal. It is such approach that allows to reveal its essence. However, each multi-disciplinary approach has to be specifically developed. As regards the legal approach, it will be shaped by the changing social relationships brought about by IT technologies. The legal analysis amounts, in its turn, to the formal logical, historical and comparative legal methods. The formal logical method allows to analyze the law which supports the development …
Опубликована Дек. 14, 2022
The article deals with the development issues of e-government and e-governance in Russia and elsewhere. In modern society the social relationships appeared to be as evolving under the notable impact of information and communication technologies. The functioning of the state also changes in a number of aspects, with all three branches of governance affected by transformations. Executive authorities are subject to the most significant changes. With the emergence of e-government in countries with different political and legal traditions, the procedure for the provision of public and municipal services is changing and executive authorities become more transparent. The ongoing processes have …