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Год: 2018, Номер 11(3)

Gulina M.A.,

Burelomova A.S.,

Tikhomandritskaya O.A.

Psychology In Russia, Год журнала: 2018, Номер 11(3), С. 128 - 144

Опубликована Авг. 16, 2018

Background: Intimate Partner Violence (IPV), also known as domestic violence, spousal abuse, and relationship violence, among other names, is becoming a widely recognized social and public health problem. Theory and practice suggest it is vital that the issue be addressed comprehensively in both the healthcare and socio-legal contexts. The theoretical perspectives underlying inquiries into the nature and etiology of the IPV phenomenon are of fundamental importance in promoting our understanding of how to prevent, reduce, or eliminate the problem. In order to integrate various aspects of knowledge about the phenomenon, it is important to consider and evaluate the approaches to …
