The Astronomical Journal

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Год: 2017, Номер 153(2)

Karen A. Collins,

John F. Kielkopf,

Keivan G. Stassun,

Frederic V. Hessman

The Astronomical Journal, Год журнала: 2017, Номер 153(2), С. 1 - 1

Опубликована Янв. 1, 2017

ImageJ is a graphical user interface (GUI) driven, public domain, Java-based, software package for general image processing traditionally used mainly in life sciences fields. The image processing capabilities of ImageJ are useful and extendable to other scientific fields. Here we present AstroImageJ (AIJ), which provides an astronomy specific image display environment and tools for astronomy specific image calibration and data reduction. Although AIJ maintains the general purpose image processing capabilities of ImageJ, AIJ is streamlined for time-series differential photometry, light curve detrending and fitting, and light curve plotting, especially for applications requiring ultra-precise light curves (e.g., exoplanet transits). AIJ reads …
