Linh Chi Vo

Problems and Perspectives in Management, Год журнала: 2011, Номер 9(4), С. 89 - 97

Опубликована Фев. 14, 2011

The corporate social responsibility (CSR) movement has attracted significant attention from academics and has quickly moved up the corporate agenda over the past number of years. However, the literature tends to focus disproportionately on large organizations. As SMEs (small and medium enterprises) play a crucial role in the European economy and their unique characteristics make it far from applicable for them to employ CSR theories and practices of large corporations, considerable research is needed to enhance SME CSR field. The purpose of this article is to contribute to this endeavor by conducting a thorough review of the literature on the …


Fernando A.F. Ferreira,

Sérgio P. Santos,

Paulo M.M. Rodrigues

Problems and Perspectives in Management, Год журнала: 2011, Номер 9(3), С. 114 - 121

Опубликована Окт. 8, 2011

This paper presents the most recent evolutionary lines in operational research, through a review of the basic principles that guide this field of research. In broad terms, some emphasis is given to the fact that Multiple Criteria Decision Analysis (or Aid) (MCDA) takes into account that decision-making processes are complex and composed of several actors with different perceptions and value systems, stressing that this approach highlights the limits of objectivity, and considers the possibility that some problems may not have an optimal solution. In this vein, it is beyond the scope of this paper to discuss the modeling of particular …


Paul Pronobis,

Henning Zülch

Problems and Perspectives in Management, Год журнала: 2011, Номер 9(4), С. 72 - 88

Опубликована Фев. 14, 2011

This study examines the predictive power of comprehensive income and its individual components within the homogenous institutional setting of German IFRS firms. First of all, the predictive power of income numbers is an attribute of high relevance for analysts as it reduces their forecast risks. Second, the standard setters are prominently referring to the importance of financial statements to assist their users in predicting the entity’s future cash flows and, in particular, their timing and certainty. Third, the examination of predictive power provides direct evidence on the relation between accounting information and future firm operating performance. The authors find no …


Patrick Velte,

Markus Stiglbauer

Problems and Perspectives in Management, Год журнала: 2011, Номер 9(4), С. 17 - 33

Опубликована Фев. 14, 2011

This paper presents the findings from a study, based on the annual reports’ analysis of German corporations listed in the DAX30, TecDAX, MDAX and SDAX, that investigates whether the implementation of audit committees and independent members with financial expertise leads to higher accounting quality (lower earnings management and accounting errors). The analysis of regressions conducted states a significant negative link between the independence and financial expertise of its members, earnings management and accounting errors. Significant results cannot be achieved if less than 50% of the audit committee members are independent financial experts


Katja Hutter,

Julia Hautz,

Karina Repke,

Kurt Matzler

Problems and Perspectives in Management, Год журнала: 2013, Номер 11(1), С. 12 - 22

Опубликована Апрель 1, 2013

Open innovation has become a key strategic element to increase the generation and commercialization of innovations among big companies. Small and medium-sized firms (SMEs), that exhibit particular characteristics regarding organization, culture and strategy, have been more reluctant to adopt this approach. Thus little research exists on the adoption of open innovation among SMEs, and small and micro companies in particular. The paper presents the results of an explorative research design based upon semi-structured and narrative interviews that investigates particularities of small and micro firms regarding the sources of innovation, the strengths and weaknesses of their innovation process, and the potential …


Simon G. Fauser,

Jonas Wiedenhofer,

Marie Lorenz

Problems and Perspectives in Management, Год журнала: 2011, Номер 9(1), С. 39 - 45

Опубликована Март 22, 2011

With Facebook reaching half a billion users in mid-2010 and two thirds of consumers worldwide using the Internet before purchasing goods (Erbenich, Freundt, 2008) the social web represents an increasingly important point of interaction or touchpoint between businesses and consumers. This paper asks marketing professionals and experts from academia about the impact of social media marketing on the decision-making process and evaluates which social web platforms are most suitable for influencing high involvement purchase decisions. The results indicate that in the early phases of the purchase decision process, social networks, wikis and blogs are the platforms to use. In the …


Lailah Imandin,

Christo Bisschoff,

Christoff Botha

Problems and Perspectives in Management, Год журнала: 2014, Номер 12(4), С. 520 - 532

Опубликована Дек. 16, 2014

The objective of this article is to develop a model to measure employee engagement. In doing so, the article firstly develops a theoretical model by identifying employee engagement constructs from the literature. Secondly, identifying measuring criteria of these constructs from the literature, and thirdly, to validate the theoretical model to measure employee engagement in South Africa. The theoretical model consists of 11 employee engagement constructs, measured by a total of 94 measuring criteria. The empirical process of validation employed data collected from 260 respondents who study towards an MBA degree at two private business schools in KwaZulu-Natal. The validation process …


Marko Kesti,

Antti Syväjärvi,

Jari Stenvall,

Jari Stenvall,

Mario Rivera

Problems and Perspectives in Management, Год журнала: 2011, Номер 9(1), С. 46 - 58

Опубликована Март 22, 2011

This article describes a method for human capital scenario analysis, one that may be used as an organizational intelligence (OI) tool capable of supporting management decision-making. Here, scenario analysis supports a knowledge management based (KM-based) decisional method for integrating human resource (HR) and fiscal data in performance measurement. This OI scenario analysis tool may be used in strategic management, organizational development, performance measurement, and HR-related risk mitigation. The aim is to strengthen decisional capacity with regard to the management of human capital and in general with regard to the advancement of organizational performance and productivity goals. The approach taken is …


Namita Rajput,

Geetanjali Batra,

Ruchira Pathak

Problems and Perspectives in Management, Год журнала: 2012, Номер 10(2), С. 42 - 49

Опубликована Июль 5, 2012

The escalating demand of stakeholders’ interests in social performance has put pressure on corporations to embark on social responsibility reporting and practices in order to gratify the demands and to gain public support. Some organizations have already responded well to this perspective, either by publishing a separate report regarding their social activities, or by providing such information in their annual report or on their web site. The aim of this study is to better understand the relationship between CSR and financial performance in Indian context. Previous research on the relationship between corporate social responsibility and financial performance has largely been …


Emmanuel K. Oseifuah

Problems and Perspectives in Management, Год журнала: 2014, Номер 12(4), С. 581 - 588

Опубликована Дек. 16, 2014

Peter Drucker (1986), in “Management: Tasks, responsibilities, and practices” states that business enterprises and public-service institutions, are organs of society which do not exist for their own sake, but to fulfil a specific social purpose and to satisfy need of society, community, or individual. To achieve the above objectives, managers of these institutions must plan, control and make decisions about the resources entrusted to their care. A key element of efficient organizational decision making is to use reliable information, both operational and managerial accounting data for analysis and decision support. This can be achieved by using activity-based costing (ABC) method. …
