Цифровое право
Больше информации...Опубликована Июль 20, 2020
This paper focuses on identifying key legal considerations and developments in the area of surveillance in Europein human rights, with its emphasis on the jurisprudence of the European Court of Human Rights. The aim of this research was to enhance and align law and practices in this area in Russiaand Europe. The author analysed the core and most novel Court cases that may be applicable to the subject matter, including by analogy, as well as the latest research in this area. This paper considers, inter alia, ability to challenge relevant law and practices in abstracto, legitimate aims justifying interference, the …
Опубликована Июль 20, 2020
Несмотря на то что телемедицина в последние 20 лет активно развивается во всем мире, законодательство зарубежных стран не выработало универсального механизма, позволяющего достичь таких главных целей телемедицины, как удобство, эффективность и доступность. Вызовы, с которыми столкнулся мир в 2020 году, показали потребность в совершенствовании системы здравоохранения государств, а телемедицинские технологии применялись рядом стран при организации борьбы с новой коронавирусной инфекцией. Такой опыт должен быть воспринят государствами как положительный и использоваться при подготовке законодательных изменений, направленных на совершенствование регулирования телемедицины. Совместная работа государств в сфере развития телемедицинских технологий позволит сформировать опыт и знания, которые возможно будет использовать при трансформации телемедицинской помощи …
Опубликована Июль 20, 2020
Whilst the DX policy of the Japanese government started in 2001, then called the E-Japan Strategy and being replaced a few years later by the i-Japan Strategy, in the 20 years since then IT has not been a success in Japan’s administrative system. On the other hand, the private sector, concerned about Japan’s lagging in its adoption of information technology, has been gradually moving forward to DX measures, such as electronic contracts. Then, this year, the COVID-19 pandemic broke out. Japan is (as of July 2020) about to experience a second wave of this disease. The need for DX has …
Опубликована Июль 20, 2020
“Regulatory sandboxes” are regarded as a special mechanism for setting up experimental regulation in the area of digital innovation (especially in financial technologies), creating a special regime for a limited number of participants and for a limited time. Russia has its own method of experimental regulation, which is not typical but may be helpful for other jurisdictions. There are three approaches to legal experiments (including digital innovations) in Russia. The first approach is accepting special regulation on different issues. There are recent examples of special laws (e.g. Federal Law on the experiment with artificial intelligence technologies in Moscow). An alternative …
Опубликована Июль 20, 2020
The subject of the research is the transformation of the state institution under the influence of the digital revolution. The choice of topic is determined by the transition of the state institution from bureaucratic to service and from service to digital. This transition entails significant changes in the methods of regulating public relations, the forms of state participation in the life of citizens, as well as the architecture of interaction between state, business and society in the new environment. The aim of the research is to create and justify a model of digital public administration, in which the necessary access …