Список номеров Список номеров

Год: 2013, Номер 6(3)

Bolotova A.K.,

Hachaturova M.R.

Psychology In Russia, Год журнала: 2013, Номер 6(3), С. 120 - 131

Опубликована Фев. 18, 2013

This article describes research on the role of time perspective in a person’s choice of coping strategies in interpersonal conflicts. The interrelationship between different types of coping strategies (cognitive, emotional, and behavioral) and the orientation of time perspective are considered. P. G. Zimbardo’s technique, which defines the orientation of time perspective, and E. Heim’s technique, which is directed at exploring coping strategies, are used in our research. The sample consisted of 295 participants: 156 women and 139 men, with an average age of 32 years. The research shows that a future orientation is directly connected with the choice of cognitive …
