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Год: 2017, Номер 10(3)

Velichkovsky Boris M.,

Sharaev M.G.,

Ushakov V.L.,

Krotkova O.A.

Psychology In Russia, Год журнала: 2017, Номер 10(3), С. 7 - 27

Опубликована Июль 1, 2017

Background. Ideas about relationships between “I”, egocentric spatial orientation and the sense of bodily “Self ” date back to work by classics of philosophy and psychology. Cognitive neuroscience has provided knowledge about brain areas involved in self-ref­erential processing, such as the rostral prefrontal, temporal and parietal cortices, often active as part of the default mode network (DMN). Objective and Method. Little is known about the contribution of inferior parietal areas to self-referential processing. Therefore, we collected observations of everyday be­havior, social communication and problem solving in patients with brain lesions local­ized either in the left inferior parietal cortex (LIPC group, …
