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Sarah L. Newell,

Nancy C. Doubleday,

Community of Chesterfield Inlet, Nunavut

Polar Research, Journal Year: 2020, Volume and Issue: 39, P. 1 - 15

Published: Dec. 23, 2020

Food security is a complex topic defined not just by having enough nutritious food to eat but also by cost, safety and cultural considerations. In Arctic Inuit communities, food security is intimately connected to culture through traditional methods of harvesting country food. In Chesterfield Inlet, Nunavut, community-based research was conducted in collaboration with Chesterfield Inlet community members using interviews and community engagement. Community members were consulted about the design of the interview guide, recruitment of participants, analysis and validation of results. This study aims to develop a theoretical framework of how food security, cultural continuity and community health and well-being …


Ken Maeda,

Noriaki Kimura,

Hajime Yamaguchi

Polar Research, Journal Year: 2020, Volume and Issue: 39, P. 1 - 15

Published: Nov. 26, 2020

This paper examines the temporal and spatial change in the characteristics of sea-ice motion in the Arctic. Ice motion is generally expressed by a motion at a constant ratio (wind factor) of wind speed, with a certain angle (turning angle) from the wind direction, and ocean currents. This study aimed to reveal the recent changes of the wind factor and turning angle using satellite observation data. We first prepared a daily ice-velocity data set from data for 2003–2017 collected by the satellite microwave sensor Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer for the Earth Observing System (AMSR-E) and its successor, AMSR2. Monthly values …


Jair Putzke,

Flávia Ramos Ferrari,

Carlos E.G.R. Schaefer

Polar Research, Journal Year: 2020, Volume and Issue: 39, P. 1 - 15

Published: June 8, 2020

In February 2019, during fieldwork at Harmony Point, Nelson Island, South Shetland Islands, Antarctica, a large population of the rare liverwort Hygrolembidium isophyllum (Lepidoziaceae) was discovered. The occurrence of this rare species reinforces the need to preserve Antarctic Specially Protected Area 133.


Mattia Greco,

Tine L. Rasmussen,

Michal Kucera,

Julie Meilland,

Kasia Zamelczyk

Polar Research, Journal Year: 2020, Volume and Issue: 39, P. 1 - 5

Published: Aug. 27, 2020

Chemical signatures in the calcite of shells of polar and subpolar planktonic foraminifera have been frequently used to trace and quantify past meltwater discharge events. This approach assumes that the foraminifera can tolerate low salinity under extended periods. To obtain a first experimental constraint on salinity tolerance of Subarctic foraminifera, we carried out a culturing experiment with specimens of the subpolar species Neogloboquadrina incompta collected in the northern Norwegian Sea off Tromsø in October 2018. The foraminifera were exposed to a gradient of salinities between 35 and 25 PSU. Survival was monitored over 26 days by measuring the extent of …


Øyvind Nordli,

Przemysław Wyszyński,

Herdis M. Gjelten,

Ketil Isaksen,

Ewa Łupikasza,

Tadeusz Niedźwiedź,

Rajmund Przybylak

Polar Research, Journal Year: 2020, Volume and Issue: 39, P. 1 - 5

Published: June 27, 2020

The Svalbard Airport composite series spanning the period from 1898 to the present represents one of very few long-term instrumental temperature series from the High Arctic. A homogenized monthly temperature series is available since 2014. Here we increase the resolution from a monthly to daily basis, and further digitization of historical data has reduced the uncertainty of the series. The most pronounced changes in the 120-year record occur during the last three decades. For the 1991–2018 period the number of days warmer than 0 and 5 °C has increased by 25 (21%) and 22 (59%), respectively, per year compared to …


Henrik Kylin

Polar Research, Journal Year: 2020, Volume and Issue: 39, P. 1 - 13

Published: Nov. 6, 2020

In August 2005, marine debris was counted on two Arctic beaches in the Russian Far East. On the north coast of the Chukchi Peninsula east of Kolyuchin Bay, a beach stretch of ca. 2.4 km held a total of 736 items, 0.024 items m‑2, while no more than 0.0011 items m‑2, 12 items in total, were found on a beach stretch of ca. 1.2 km on southern Wrangel Island. The likely explanation for this difference is that the area around the mainland beach is ice-free for a longer period each year, but a contributing factor may be that late spring …


Valeria Vergara,

Jason Wood,

Véronique Lesage,

Audra Ames,

Marie-Ana Mikus,

Robert Michaud

Polar Research, Journal Year: 2021, Volume and Issue: №40, P. 1 - 19

Published: July 15, 2021

Noise and anthropogenic disturbances from vessel traffic are an important threat to the recovery of the endangered St. Lawrence Estuary (SLE) beluga population. The consequences of acoustic masking could be particularly adverse in the case of critical vocalizations that maintain contact between mothers and their dependent but mobile calves. This study models the communication range of adults, sub-adults and newborn beluga contact calls in the presence and absence of vessels in an important summering area for this population. Ambient noise measurements, a composite beluga audiogram and apparent source levels of adult/sub-adult and newborn calls, informed the model. Apparent source levels …


Jackson R. Ham,

Malin K. Lilley,

Malin R. Miller,

Heather M. Manitzas Hill

Polar Research, Journal Year: 2021, Volume and Issue: №40, P. 1 - 13

Published: July 15, 2021

Belugas (Delphinapterus leucas) in managed care have been reported to show seasonal variation in socio-sexual behaviour, hormone levels and respiration rates; however, little is known about the social interactions of wild belugas when they are not in summer, near-shore congregations. To better understand if belugas show seasonal variation in social interactions, this study recorded the behaviour of 10 belugas (five females, five males, ranging from birth to 10 years of age) housed in managed care. Social interactions typically peaked in the summer months but persisted at very low levels during the rest of the year. Seasonal variation was most dramatic …


Tracy A. Romano,

Laura A. Thompson,

Maureen V. Driscoll,

Ebru Unal,

Allison D. Tuttle,

Gayle Sirpenski,

Mary Ellen Mateleska,

Dale Wolbrink

Polar Research, Journal Year: 2021, Volume and Issue: №40, P. 1 - 16

Published: Nov. 26, 2021

Aquaria that care for and maintain belugas (Delphinapterus leucas) under professional care have the opportunity to contribute to the conservation of wild belugas through research, expertise in animal care and husbandry, and engaging and educating the public about threats to the species’ health and population sustainability. In an aquarium setting, belugas can be studied under controlled conditions, with known variables that are often difficult to discern when studying wild belugas. Information on nutrition, health status and environmental parameters can be easily obtained in a controlled setting. Biological samples are collected from professionally trained whales that voluntarily participate in informative experimental …


Véronique Lesage

Polar Research, Journal Year: 2021, Volume and Issue: №40, P. 1 - 18

Published: Sept. 3, 2021

Until 2012, the St. Lawrence Estuary beluga population was considered stable with about 1100 individuals. An abnormally high number of calves reported dead that year triggered a population status reassessment. This review article summarizes the findings from this reassessment and various studies subsequent to it and provides an updated analysis of carcass recovery rates up to 2019. The 2013 review indicated a decreased incidence of cancer in adults, suggesting positive impacts from the regulation of toxic substances (e.g., PCBs and PAHs). However, the review also revealed that the population initiated a decline of ca. 1% per year in the early …
