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Юлия Туровец,

Лилиана Проскурякова,

Анна Стародубцева

Форсайт, Journal Year: 2021, Volume and Issue: 15(3), P. 35 - 51

Published: Jan. 1, 2021

Глобальный пандемический кризис поставил под вопрос действенность прежних драйверов экономического роста и подтолкнул к поиску новых оснований устойчивого развития. Послекризисное восстановление пройдет под знаком «зеленой» экономики при ведущей роли топливно-энергетического комплекса. Распространение «зеленых» цифровых технологий и их влияние на электроэнергетику рассмотрены на примере десяти стран — крупнейших энергопроизводителей и потребителей. Теоретической базой исследования стала концепция отраслевых инновационных систем, а методологической основой — изучение научных и аналитических публикаций. На базе официальной статистики и других надежных и доступных данных проведено сопоставление ключевых показателей «зеленой» цифровизации в электроэнергетике выбранных стран. Сравнительный анализ стратегий развития отрасли позволил выявить ключевые задачи и индикаторы цифровой трансформации …


Konstantinos Doukas

International Journal of Science and Technology Education Research, Journal Year: 2021, Volume and Issue: Vol.12(2), P. 8 - 14

Published: Sept. 30, 2021

The concept of e-portfolios is to reflect an avenue into the past, present, and future of a person; displaying his or her lifetime education and devotion to further development, represents a valuable tool in aiding students’ not only in their academic growth, but mainly in their transition into higher education levels or even new careers. In the last few years, especially after the COVID-19 pandemic, the use of e-portfolios has shown an unexpected rise on university level, in its use to meet new developed needs. This work gives a brief definition of e-portfolios, how faculty members and students gain from …


Abdullah Aktas,

Sefa Bulut

International Journal of Psychology and Counselling, Journal Year: 2021, Volume and Issue: Vol. 13(4), P. 92 - 99

Published: Oct. 1, 2021

Various studies claim that war has devastating effects on the psychological well-being of its victims. Such conflicts destroy not only cities and their infrastructure but also the established systems; such as the schooling system. In the wake of such destruction, millions of children are displaced and find themselves apart from their homes and their schools. Their attempts at accommodating themselves with the host communities are not easy, given the immense trauma they experienced. The resulting psychological and social problems make it more difficult for these children to fit in. The disruption to their education is yet another factor that affects …
