Tereschenko Ludmila Konstantinovna,

Starodubova Оlesya Evgenievna,

Nazarov Nikita Alekseevich

Legal Issues in the Digital Age, Journal Year: 2024, Volume and Issue: №2, P. 148 - 169

Published: July 20, 2024

The paper contains an overview of the research workshop Digital platforms: new environment for collaboration at the Institute of Legislation and Comparative Law under the Federal Government (ILCL) on 23 April 2024, and findings of the expert survey Digital platforms in the focus of national law. Presentations by participants were systematized by the authors of the overview around the most relevant subjects related to digital platform operations: general issues of digital platform regulation; digital platforms’ impact on human rights; digital platforms in public administration; digital platforms in private law, criminal law and specific branches. The workshop was attended by researchers …


Kerilyn Schewel

International Migration Review, Journal Year: 2019, Volume and Issue: 54(2), P. 328 - 355

Published: March 31, 2019

This article suggests that there is a mobility bias in migration research: by focusing on the “drivers” of migration — the forces that lead to the initiation and perpetuation of migration flows — migration theories neglect the countervailing structural and personal forces that restrict or resist these drivers and lead to different immobility outcomes. To advance a research agenda on immobility, it offers a definition of immobility, further develops the aspiration-capability framework as an analytical tool for exploring the determinants of different forms of (im)mobility, synthesizes decades of interdisciplinary research to help explain why people do not migrate or desire …
