Кузнецова Д.С.,

Тимашев П.С.,

Баграташвили В.Н.,

Загайнова Е.В.

Современные технологии в медицине, Journal Year: 2014, Volume and Issue: 6(4), P. 201 - 212

Published: Jan. 1, 2014

Рассмотрены современные тенденции тканевой инженерии, в том числе в челюстно-лицевой хирургии, в основе которых лежит использование скаффолдов, аутологичных стволовых клеток и биоактивных веществ. Отражены преимущества и недостатки основных используемых материалов для синтеза скаффолдов — трехмерных пористых или волокнистых матриц, выполняющих функцию ме-ханического каркаса для клеток. К таким материалам относятся натуральные полимеры (коллаген, целлюлоза, фибронектин, хитозан, альгинат и агароза, фиброин), синтетические полимеры (полилактид, полигликолид, поликапролактон, поливиниловый спирт) и биоке-рамика (гидроксиапатит, трикальций форсфат и биоактивные стекла). Показаны методы получения матриц, особое внимание уделено инновационным технологиям быстрого прототипирования — процесса формирования трехмерного объекта по цифровой модели, из которых наиболее применимыми для биополимеров являются …


Borodkina A.V.,

Deryabin P.I.,

Giukova А.А.,

Nikolsky N.N.

ACTA NATURAE, Journal Year: 2018, Volume and Issue: 10(1), P. 4 - 14

Published: Jan. 1, 2018

Cellular senescence was first described as a failure of normal human cells to divide indefinitely in culture. Until recently, the emphasis in the study of cell senescence has been focused on the accompanying intracellular processes. The focus of the attention has been on the irreversible growth arrest and two important physiological functions that rely on it: suppression of carcinogenesis due to the proliferation loss of damaged cells, and the acceleration of organism aging due to the deterioration of the tissue repair mechanism with age. However, the advances of the past years have revealed that senescent cells can impact the surrounding …


Krakhmal N.V.,

Zavyalova M.V.

ACTA NATURAE, Journal Year: 2015, Volume and Issue: 7(2), P. 17 - 28

Published: Jan. 1, 2015

Cancer invasion and the ability of malignant tumor cells for directed migration and metastasis have remained a focus of research for many years. Numerous studies have confirmed the existence of two main patterns of cancer cell invasion: collective cell migration and individual cell migration, by which tumor cells overcome barriers of the extracellular matrix and spread into surrounding tissues. Each pattern of cell migration displays specific morphological features and the biochemical/molecular genetic mechanisms underlying cell migration. Two types of migrating tumor cells, mesenchymal (fibroblast-like) and amoeboid, are observed in each pattern of cancer cell invasion. This review describes the key …


Bryzgunova O.E.,

Laktionov P.P.

ACTA NATURAE, Journal Year: 2015, Volume and Issue: 7(3), P. 48 - 54

Published: Jan. 1, 2015

Cell-free nucleic acids (cfNA) may reach the urine through cell necrosis or apoptosis, active secretion of nucleic acids by healthy and tumor cells of the urinary tract, and transport of circulating nucleic acids (cir-NA) from the blood into primary urine. Even though urinary DNA and RNA are fragmented, they can be used to detect marker sequences. MicroRNAs are also of interest as diagnostic probes. The stability of cfNA in the urine is determined by their structure and packaging into supramolecular complexes and by nuclease activity in the urine. This review summarizes current data on the sources of urinary cfNA, their …
