Problems and Perspectives in Management

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Year: 2019, Volume: 17(1)

Quan-Hoang Vuong

Problems and Perspectives in Management, Journal Year: 2019, Volume and Issue: 17(1), P. 117 - 129

Published: Feb. 27, 2019

The development of technology is unbelievably rapid. From limited local networks to high speed Internet, from crude computing machines to powerful semi-conductors, the world had changed drastically compared to just a few decades ago. In the constantly renewing process of adapting to such an unnaturally high-entropy setting, innovations as well as entirely new concepts, were often born. In the business world, one such phenomenon was the creation of a new type of entrepreneurship. This paper proposes a new academic discipline of computational entrepreneurship, which centers on: (i) an exponentially growing (and less expensive) computing power, to the extent that almost …


Sri Handari Wahyuningsih,

Achmad Sudiro,

Eka Afnan Troena,

Dodi W Irawanto

Problems and Perspectives in Management, Journal Year: 2019, Volume and Issue: 17(1), P. 142 - 151

Published: March 1, 2019

This paper is mainly to study implementation of organizational culture in enhancing business competitiveness. Culture is seen as a soft system tool that reflects beliefs that are able to drive business performance in an international environment. Today, culture is a part of instrument to measure organizational readiness in managing business in an international environment. The research is focused on evaluatiny organizational culture in international-scale hotel in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. International-scale hotels are faced with differences in the nature of employees and customers, so management needs to develop a culture type as a strategy to encourage business competitiveness. T he research applies …
