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Giuseppe Giordano

International Journal of English and Literature, Journal Year: 2021, Volume and Issue: None, P. 36 - 40

Published: Nov. 30, 2021

Sigmund Freud’s psychoanalytical theories may be helpful to the analysis of literary works since the contribution of psychoanalysis to literature provides useful interpretative insights. Reading novels, poems and other compositions through the lens of psychoanalysis gives the opportunity to analyse and evaluate these works in their genesis and functioning. The Gothic novel provides many elements such as fear, duplicity, abuse of power and seduction that can be explained according to a Freudian model of literary criticism. In this paper, the personality of Ambrosio, the main character of the Gothic novel The Monk, is investigated with reference to Freud theories concerning …


H. Hauge,

T. Tengs,

M. K. Dahle,

A. B. Kristoffersen,

S. Grove,

C. R. Wiik-Nielsen

Journal of Evolutionary Biology Research, Journal Year: 2016, Volume and Issue: Vol.8(1), P. 1 - 14

Published: Oct. 31, 2016

A wide range of life-history tactics can be found within salmonid fish. The genetic basis for these adaptations remains largely unknown, but we have sought to investigate any large scale genetic changes associated with a non-anadromous life cycle. After the most recent ice age (approximately 9,500 years ago), some populations of Atlantic salmon Salmo salar L., were trapped in fresh water and developed into isolated landlocked populations that managed to complete a full life cycle without ever reaching the marine environment. To explore whether this transition was accompanied by gene-loss events, high-throughput sequencing of a non-migratory Namsblank (‘småblank’), an Atlantic …


Yining Cao

International Journal of English and Literature, Journal Year: 2021, Volume and Issue: Vol.12(4), P. 23 - 32

Published: Aug. 31, 2021

This paper investigates the hindrances of textbooks identified in the process of implementing Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) in Chinese universities based on the 4Cs framework. Purposive sampling was employed to elicit data through a series of semi-structured interviews conducted in seven different Chinese universities. The axial coding was used to analyze the data collected. The findings reveal some major hindrances brought from textbooks: content knowledge is mismatched with students’ knowledge background; the language is only instrumental in academic vocabulary development instead of an overall improvement of English skills; textbooks generally reveal a lack of cognitive, cultural and communicative …


Ping Li

International Journal of English and Literature, Journal Year: 2014, Volume and Issue: Vol.5(9), P. 257 - 265

Published: Nov. 30, 2014

Researches on the canonization of Chinese literature in the English-speaking world focus on the canonization of a very limited sum of works such as Waley’s translation of Chinese poems, English translation of Han Shan poems and Liao Zhai Zhi Yi, etc. Till now, there have been no macro-researches on the canonization of Chinese translated literature in the English-speaking world. This paper explores the construction, restrictions and measures of canonization of Chinese literature in the English-speaking world. The research finds that there are two models of canonization of Chinese translated literature, static canonization and dynamic canonization. The internal and external factors …


Adekenova Gulimzhan S.,

Shaikenova Zh. S.,

Chervyakova V.,

Zakarya K. D.,

Adekenov S.

International Journal of Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, Journal Year: 2021, Volume and Issue: Vol.13(1), P. 9 - 18

Published: April 30, 2021

Artemisia glabella Kar. et Kir. is a source of sesquiterpene lactone arglabin, which has antitumor, radiosensitizing and immunomodulatory activity. Studying the biosynthesis of arglabin and its derivatives will allow us to develop the biotechnological basis for its production, thereby increasing its availability. The precursor to most sesquiterpene lactones is costunolide. The purpose of these studies was to detect and determine the nucleotide sequences of mRNA enzymes germacrene A synthase (GAS, EC, germacrene A oxidase (GAO, EC and costunolide synthase (COS, EC, involved in the biosynthesis of costunolide in A. glabella. As a result of studies, mRNA was …


M. J. Alcedo,

K. Ito,

K. Maeda

International Journal of Livestock Production, Journal Year: 2014, Volume and Issue: Vol.5(10), P. 173 - 180

Published: Oct. 9, 2014

Measuring animal welfare is a newly emerging area of research and it requires multi-disciplinary approach to achieve it. Due to the diversity of what constitute the definition of animal welfare, different methods and models have been suggested, and were mostly implemented in semi-intensive and commercial farms in developed countries. There are hardly any studies on animal welfare assessment conducted in backyard livestock operations in developing countries. Recognizing that majority of livestock operations in the Philippines are categorized as backyard, it is crucial to come up with parameters that can assess the welfare of the animal at the backyard level. The …


Olusegun Emmanuel Afolabi

International Journal of Psychology and Counselling, Journal Year: 2014, Volume and Issue: Vol.6(8), P. 107 - 118

Published: Sept. 30, 2014

Though a large body of research has investigated the impacts of domestic violence on adult’s victims, only few studies has been devoted to the exposure of children’s to probable inter-spousal trauma that disrupts their neurological and biochemical pathways in development. The aim of this paper is to analyze the current empirical research that discusses the biological and psychological inference of domestic violence and risky family environment on children’s health. In realizing this objective, the paper used the ecological framework to explain the interaction effects of bio- psychological processes on emotional regulation and social competence skills of children living in a …


Abdullah Aktas,

Sefa Bulut

International Journal of Psychology and Counselling, Journal Year: 2021, Volume and Issue: Vol. 13(4), P. 92 - 99

Published: Oct. 1, 2021

Various studies claim that war has devastating effects on the psychological well-being of its victims. Such conflicts destroy not only cities and their infrastructure but also the established systems; such as the schooling system. In the wake of such destruction, millions of children are displaced and find themselves apart from their homes and their schools. Their attempts at accommodating themselves with the host communities are not easy, given the immense trauma they experienced. The resulting psychological and social problems make it more difficult for these children to fit in. The disruption to their education is yet another factor that affects …


Maya Berger,

Aglaja Stirn,

Erich Kasten

International Journal of Psychology and Counselling, Journal Year: 2021, Volume and Issue: Vol. 13(4), P. 75 - 80

Created: Aug. 19, 2022

The term body integrity dysphoria (BID) describes a discrepancy between the actual anatomical body constitution and the mentally represented body of a physically impaired person, which is often experienced as chronically dysphoric as well as the resulting desire of the affected person to have a (permanent) physical impairment (amputation, paralysis, etc.) in order to complement their own “true” identity. In the present study, potentially relevant factors influencing the quality of life of BID sufferers in the context of their coming-out process were examined. A questionnaire survey was used to ask BID sufferers (N = 50) about the reactions of their …


Reichrath Benedict,

Pietrowsky Reinhard

International Journal of Psychology and Counselling, Journal Year: 2022, Volume and Issue: Vol.14(2), P. 17 - 25

Published: May 31, 2022

In this study, the usability and applicability of a mindfulness based online administered gamified short-term intervention for people suffering from internet gaming disorder is investigated in a subclinical sample (N = 49). Within a four-week intervention program (Room2Respawn) participants were randomly allocated to a gamified condition (experimental) or a neutral condition (control). Participants were provided with three intervention sessions per week consisting of psychoeducation on internet gaming disorder and mindfulness-exercises. Most of the intervention content has been adopted from a group-therapy intervention to an online platform. The 39 participants who participated over the course of the whole intervention rated the …
