Psychology In Russia

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Year: 2012, Volume: №5

Zinchenko Yu. P.,

Pervichko E.I.

Psychology In Russia, Journal Year: 2012, Volume and Issue: №5, P. 157 - 184

Published: Dec. 1, 2012

This article considers the potential for applying contemporary philosophical theories (which distinguish classical, nonclassical, and postnonclassical types of scientific rationality) to the specification of theoretical methodological principles in the study of clinical psychology. We prove that psychological syndrome analysis (developed by the Vygotsky–Luria–Zeigarnik school), taken as a system of principles for organizing research as well as for interpreting its results, conforms to the epistemological complexity of the object of study in clinical psychology, which is understood in the postnonclassical scientific view as a self-developing system. We present an example of the formation of a psychosomatic syndrome in 290 patients with …


Kozlovskiy S.A.,

Vartanov A.V.,

Nikonova E.Y.,

Pyasik M.M.,

Velichkovsky Boris M.

Psychology In Russia, Journal Year: 2012, Volume and Issue: №5, P. 231 - 243

Published: Dec. 1, 2012

This study presents data from a magnetic-resonance morphometric (MRMM) analysis of the main regions of the cingulate cortex (in both hemispheres) and their role in memory processes in a group of healthy, females of older age. The results demonstrate a statistically reliable correlation between overall performance and the type of errors in different neuropsychological memory tests and the relative size of these regions. The discovered pattern of correlations can be explained by hypothesizing the reciprocal functional influence of the two major areas of the cingulate cortex – its anterior and posterior dorsal parts – on performance in neuropsychological memory tests.
