Gulina M.A.,

Burelomova A.S.,

Tikhomandritskaya O.A.

Psychology In Russia, Journal Year: 2018, Volume and Issue: 11(3), P. 128 - 144

Published: Aug. 16, 2018

Background: Intimate Partner Violence (IPV), also known as domestic violence, spousal abuse, and relationship violence, among other names, is becoming a widely recognized social and public health problem. Theory and practice suggest it is vital that the issue be addressed comprehensively in both the healthcare and socio-legal contexts. The theoretical perspectives underlying inquiries into the nature and etiology of the IPV phenomenon are of fundamental importance in promoting our understanding of how to prevent, reduce, or eliminate the problem. In order to integrate various aspects of knowledge about the phenomenon, it is important to consider and evaluate the approaches to …


Zinchenko Yu. P.,

Pervichko E.I.

Psychology In Russia, Journal Year: 2012, Volume and Issue: №5, P. 157 - 184

Published: Dec. 1, 2012

This article considers the potential for applying contemporary philosophical theories (which distinguish classical, nonclassical, and postnonclassical types of scientific rationality) to the specification of theoretical methodological principles in the study of clinical psychology. We prove that psychological syndrome analysis (developed by the Vygotsky–Luria–Zeigarnik school), taken as a system of principles for organizing research as well as for interpreting its results, conforms to the epistemological complexity of the object of study in clinical psychology, which is understood in the postnonclassical scientific view as a self-developing system. We present an example of the formation of a psychosomatic syndrome in 290 patients with …


Kozlovskiy S.A.,

Vartanov A.V.,

Nikonova E.Y.,

Pyasik M.M.,

Velichkovsky Boris M.

Psychology In Russia, Journal Year: 2012, Volume and Issue: №5, P. 231 - 243

Published: Dec. 1, 2012

This study presents data from a magnetic-resonance morphometric (MRMM) analysis of the main regions of the cingulate cortex (in both hemispheres) and their role in memory processes in a group of healthy, females of older age. The results demonstrate a statistically reliable correlation between overall performance and the type of errors in different neuropsychological memory tests and the relative size of these regions. The discovered pattern of correlations can be explained by hypothesizing the reciprocal functional influence of the two major areas of the cingulate cortex – its anterior and posterior dorsal parts – on performance in neuropsychological memory tests.


Velichkovsky Boris M.,

Sharaev M.G.,

Ushakov V.L.,

Krotkova O.A.

Psychology In Russia, Journal Year: 2017, Volume and Issue: 10(3), P. 7 - 27

Published: July 1, 2017

Background. Ideas about relationships between “I”, egocentric spatial orientation and the sense of bodily “Self ” date back to work by classics of philosophy and psychology. Cognitive neuroscience has provided knowledge about brain areas involved in self-ref­erential processing, such as the rostral prefrontal, temporal and parietal cortices, often active as part of the default mode network (DMN). Objective and Method. Little is known about the contribution of inferior parietal areas to self-referential processing. Therefore, we collected observations of everyday be­havior, social communication and problem solving in patients with brain lesions local­ized either in the left inferior parietal cortex (LIPC group, …


Veraksa Aleksandr N.

Psychology In Russia, Journal Year: 2013, Volume and Issue: 6(1), P. 57 - 65

Published: Jan. 1, 2013

The article describes various aspects of symbolic mediation and is aimed at showing its specificity. The author views a situation of uncertainty as a structural element of a symbol and introduces the notion of a symbol being a special tool for orientation in such situations. On the one hand, a symbol is contrasted to a sign, and on the other, is regarded as a transitional form in the process of its mastering. Author pays special attention to understanding the role of symbol in connection with understanding of play and its role in child’s development. Emotional and cognitive functions of symbol …


Zinchenko Yu. P.,

Pervichko E.I.

Psychology In Russia, Journal Year: 2013, Volume and Issue: 6(1), P. 43 - 56

Published: Jan. 1, 2013

The work presents historiographic and theoretical methodological study of establishment of fundamental theses of L.S. Vygotsky’s cultural-historical concept within the field of clinical psychology. We prove potency in application of contemporary philosophical concepts, which help distinguish between the types of scientific rationality (classical, nonclassical, and postnonclassical), for scientific reflection over the development of psychology and designation of paradigmatic status of cultural-historic concept suggested by L.S. Vygotsky and Vygotsky-Luria syndrome approach at the contemporary stage of science. Present study of scientific works of L.S. Vygotsky and his followers demonstrated that fundamentals of cultural-historic conception suggested by L.S. Vygotsky and further developed …


Zhuravlyova Larysa Vоlоdуmіrіvna,

Lopina Nataliya Andreevna,

Kuznetsov Igor Vоlоdуmirovich,

Lopin Dmytro Oleksandrovich,

Kramarenko Irina Anatolievna,

Sumanova Irina Anatolievna

Научные результаты биомедицинских исследований, Journal Year: 2015, Volume and Issue: №1, P. 54 - 63

Published: Jan. 1, 2015

The article describes the etiologic role of various factors such as chronic rheumatic heart disease, bacterial endocarditis, aortic valve stenosis, hypertension, coronary heart disease, including acute myocardial infarction, degenerative disease of the valves, connective tissue diseases, chest trauma, sys-temic lupus erythematosus, con-genital heart disease which leading to the mitral valve chords rupture, gives the current classification of the nosology and also features of manifestation and clinical course. The authors also described a clinical case of mitral valve posterior leaflet chord rupture in the patient with hypertension, ischemic heart disease and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, which reflects all the stages of …


Белоусов Е.А.,

Трофимова В.Г.,

Белоусова О.В.

Научные результаты биомедицинских исследований, Journal Year: 2016, Volume and Issue: №1, P. 59 - 62

Published: Jan. 1, 2016

В результате исследований определена структура ассортимента лекарственных препаратов для лечения кожных заболеваний, реализованных в аптечных организациях, выявлены лекарственные препараты повышенного спроса, а также осуществлена сегментация ассортимента по затратам на закупку данной группы ассортимента. Результаты положены в основу разработки рекомендаций для аптеки НИУ «БелГУ» с целью оптимизации ассортимента и более полного удовлетворения потребителей.


Мария Ивановна Москаленко

Научные результаты биомедицинских исследований, Journal Year: 2018, Volume and Issue: №1, P. 39 - 52

Published: Jan. 1, 2018

Сердечно-сосудистые заболевания являются ведущей причиной смертности и инвалидизации в России и в мире, а артериальная гипертензия считается независимым предрасполагающим фактором таких осложнений, как инфаркт миокарда, мозговой инсульт, хроническая почечная недостаточность, аневризма. Изучение молекулярно-генетических основ гипертензии является актуальной задачей современной медицины и определяет перспективы ее персонализации. Целью данного обзора является обобщение экспериментальных данных о генетических ассоциациях полиморфизмов генов матриксных металлопротеиназ (ММР) с развитием артериальной гипертензии и ее осложнений. Материалы и методы. Исследованы литературные данные об ассоциациях полиморфизмов генов ММР-1, ММР-2, ММР-3, ММР-7, ММР-8, ММР-9, ММР-12 с развитием АГ и ее осложнений. Поиск и анализ литературных данных проведен по базам PubMed-NCBI (https://preview.ncbi.nlm.nih. …


Наталья Александровна Демакова

Научные результаты биомедицинских исследований, Journal Year: 2018, Volume and Issue: №2, P. 26 - 39

Published: Jan. 1, 2018

Гиперпластические процессы эндометрия (ГПЭ) являются одними из наиболее частых гинекологических заболеваний, приводят к потере репродуктивной функции и снижению качества жизни женщин, являются основой для формирования злокачественных опухолей эндометрия. Цель исследования. Изучить вовлеченность генов-кандидатов цитокинов в формирование гиперплазии и полипов эндометрия. Материалы и методы. Выборка для исследования составила243 женщины с гиперпластическими процессами эндометрия и 249 женщин контрольной группы. В выборки больных и контроля были включены женщины русской национальности. Всем больным с ГПЭ и женщинам контрольной группы методом полимеразной цепной реакции синтеза ДНК проводилось генотипирование девяти молекулярно-генетических маркеров: -308 G/A TNFα, +252 A/G Ltα, +36 A/G TNFR1, +1663G/A TNFR2, -403A/G RANTES, A/G …
